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Thanks for coming to
Fall on the Mall 2019!
1140 were present for lots of free fun & food. Y'all are loved by Hope Church! Come give Hope a try, Sundays @ 10 am
(@ 94 Pleasant St. in Brunswick, ME).
For our m&m guessing jar, congrats to our winners:
1st Laurie Mullet ($30 Starbucks Gift Card)
2nd Kate Merryman ($30 Domino's Gift Card)
3rd Julie McAvoy ($15 Domino's Gift Card)
4th Natasha Hathaway ($15 Domino's Gift Card)
5th Joy Gould ($15 Domino's Gift Card)
6th Mike Cota ($15 Domino's Gift Card)
7th Caitlin Prindall ($10 Subway Gift Card)
8th Katie West ($10 Subway Gift Card)
9th Whitney Kilton ($10 Subway Gift Card)
10th Faye Larrabee ($10 Subway Gift Card)
11th Sarah Jacobs ($10 Subway Gift Card)
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