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We have joined together as a church to join Jesus Christ in His mission to “seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10).  Christ’s mission drives all that we do as a church, because we believe everyone will spend eternity somewhere.  God is loving and, in His love, He sent Jesus to save the world (John 3:16), "not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance" (2 Peter 3:9). 

The Good news of God's Word (the Bible) is the Greatest Love Story ever told.  In this Love Story, we see a faithful God,  who gave mankind a way out of sin & hopelessness, a way to forgiveness, hope, and Heaven (Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23).  God did this by sending Jesus to the earth where He lived a life free of sin and where Jesus laid down His own life to die on a wooden cross, in order to pay the price for the sins of the world (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).  Jesus was resurrected on Day 3 and now lives in Heaven with God, where He intercedes on behalf of all who call on Him and who follow Him (Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25).  Jesus gives the promise to all who follow Him that He will bring them to live with Him forever in Heaven, a place of complete joy and a place void of all suffering and pain (John 14:2-3, Revelation 21:4-7).

Jesus Christ said, “no one can come to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).  Though some would say this claim is arrogant and exclusive, we believe it was in love, mercy, and goodness that Jesus came to offer Himself as the payment for all of mankind's sin.  He has made a way for anyone to come to Himself and to make it to Heaven by simply believing in & following Jesus.  We know these things because, in His goodness, God saw fit to give us His Word (the Bible).  In His Word we find the Good News of Jesus Christ.  At Hope, we desire to graciously share this timeless love story with Maine and with a waiting world.

As you consider Hope Church...

Please know that you matter to us, because you matter to God.  Whether you have been walking with God for years, or whether you are taking your first steps towards God, we consider it our honor to cheer you on.  You are loved.  We hope to see you soon.

We Believe:



These Basic Beliefs were compiled by The Village Church in Texas

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